
This is my personal blog, on which I talk about a variety of topics purely as they catch my fancy. Some topics are serious, others whimsical. I love comments and questions so don't be shy, just courteous, even if you don't agree with me. I have another blog, The Story Template, on which I post writing-related topics on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Let's see, a bit about me... I'm married with two children, and spend much time taking care of our family. In my life BC (before children) I was a scientist who did bench research. I am a Christian who came to faith under protest through studying the historic circumstances surrounding the death of Jesus. I've written one novel, A Lever Long Enough, that I'm honored to say has won two awards. I also have written a nonfiction book, The Story Template: Conquer Writer's Block Using the Universal Structure of Story. This book is a programmed learner-type book that helps you, the writer, develop a complete compelling story (novel or screenplay) from a vague idea.

YOU CAN CONTACT ME at amydeardon at yahoo dot com.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Any Hero Mail

If you'd like to write to our brave soldiers, I've found a great website: Operation Write Home at http://operationwritehome.org/anyhero/.  This organization collects blank greeting cards for the soldiers to send home to their families, as well as distributes your own correspondence to military, especially to those personnel who don't receive many letters.

Here is the description from their website. Even if you're limited by time or physical challenges in what you're able to do, you can probably write a letter... What a great thing.


AnyHero mail

Each of our boxes of blank cards is topped off with a bag of “AnyHero” mail.

These are cards and letters (or, with kids they can be coloring pages) from people across America with messages of gratitude and encouragement inside. We call them “AnyHero” letters because they’re going to be given out by our contacts to those who get little or no mail. If they were “Any Soldier” they would have to go to the Army, so we keep away from branch-specific language.

How long does it have to be?
These notes can be short or long; we get folks who write 2-3 page letters, others who jot a note in a storebought notecard, and kids who draw elaborate pictures or color downloaded pictures for our heroes to display. All are welcome! If you choose to use a storebought card with a sentiment inside, please jot a short note along with it instead of just signing it.

Who do I write it to?
You can start your letter “Dear hero,” “To an American hero,” or a variation – or simply start with “Hello!” We use the term hero instead of soldier because then the letters can apply to any branch of the armed services.

Can it be typed?
Handwritten really gives these letters a personal touch; you can keep it short if you don’t want to handwrite a lot!

Does it need to be stamped on the back or have an envelope?
Neither are needed, but you may do both; the letters are placed in a ziploc bag on the top of our cards. Please don’t seal the envelopes, as our shippers review all mail before it’s sent.

Can I get others involved?
Sure! Letter writing is a great community activity; we’ve had schools, corporate offices, holiday parties, all sorts of groups have had cardsignings. We’ve even had folks set up a table at a local store or art festival and invite people to write a note to a hero, and some have carried postcards on flights to ask other passengers to sign them. You’ll be amazed at how many people would enjoy writing a note.

What should I talk about in a letter?
Anything! Thank them. Tell them the freedoms you’re grateful for. Share your life with them if you wish – describe your family, community, hobbies. They love to hear that life is going on well here at home – so send them a news clipping about a happy story in your hometown, or a cartoon that will make them smile. Tell them your pet’s latest antic.

What should I NOT talk about in a letter?
Politics, negative news, anger about the war or society. Our heroes need positive encouragement, so save these views for the water cooler :) Please read the Schools and Scouts page if you’ve got children writing letters so you can help guide them.

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