
This is my personal blog, on which I talk about a variety of topics purely as they catch my fancy. Some topics are serious, others whimsical. I love comments and questions so don't be shy, just courteous, even if you don't agree with me. I have another blog, The Story Template, on which I post writing-related topics on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Let's see, a bit about me... I'm married with two children, and spend much time taking care of our family. In my life BC (before children) I was a scientist who did bench research. I am a Christian who came to faith under protest through studying the historic circumstances surrounding the death of Jesus. I've written one novel, A Lever Long Enough, that I'm honored to say has won two awards. I also have written a nonfiction book, The Story Template: Conquer Writer's Block Using the Universal Structure of Story. This book is a programmed learner-type book that helps you, the writer, develop a complete compelling story (novel or screenplay) from a vague idea.

YOU CAN CONTACT ME at amydeardon at yahoo dot com.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What's In Your Wallet?

I'm on a de-cluttering rampage. Today I'd like to talk about a humble yet indispensable object we all use that is so prone to clutter: the WALLET.

Like anything else, frequent small habits of cleanup help to keep the wallet neat. It's really nice to have all its information at your fingertips. Sometimes, for example if you're in an accident and someone else needs to get in touch with your doctor or significant other, it can be life or death.

I propose that the following items are essential, and everything else should go... What do you think?

1. Cash. How much is enough? I like to keep at least a twenty and a few ones, but I'd consider up to $100 might be a good idea. This can cover enough gas for your car to get home, a meal, or other small items you may need on a moment's notice.

2. Official ID like your driver's license. I also like to keep a copy of my car insurance and registration, since if you're stopped cops don't like you rummaging around the glove compartment. Don't routinely carry documents like your passport or birth certificate that have your birth date. If you have a Social Security card, make a photocopy and blank out your SSN.

3. Bank and credit cards. You probably only need one or two at the most for daily activity. Can you leave the rest (if you have them) at home?

4. Health information: your insurance card and your primary care giver's name, address, and phone number.

5. Business cards: a few of these might be handy in case you bump into someone with whom you want to exchange cards.

6. Photos? Try to only keep one or two that are most recent or most dear.

7. On an easily seen place of your wallet, the front or mounted to the first flap when you open it, put your name, address, and phone number. This is in case your wallet is lost.

Every evening, or every Saturday, or some frequent routine time, empty your wallet of receipts, business cards, notes, and whatever else you've added to it during the day/week. Get rid of the junk, and record or save the good stuff.

One more good thing to do: make a list of everything that's in your wallet, with pertinent phone numbers for credit cards and so forth. If your wallet is lost or stolen, you'll be more easily able to reconstruct everything.

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